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Tech Support

Allow one of our knowledgeable staff to remote in and give you a helping hand.

A la Carte
$75 / 30 minutes

Hit Us Up Any Time
$365 / year

Tech Support

Web Site Monitoring

If you ever wanted to know the type of visitors accessing your site, this is the service for you. SEO can get you noticed, this service allows you to see what country is driving the traffic to your site - most don't know, but it's not all from the USA.

Intensive Session

$119 / 2 hours

Web Site Monitoring

Virus Remediation

If you receive that pesky pop-up indicating you have a virus, this is the service for you. We can remotely take a peek at the bugger, identify the culprit, then get to work on removal. There are so many variants today that you want to be certain the most proficient action is taken immediately. Book your appointment for one of our specialists to help out. Full removal may require additional time based on this rate.

Eradicate Evil Files
$75 / 30 minutes

Virus Remediation

Dark Web Scanning

Ever wonder if your social security number is floating around on the dark web? Want to receive a notice before your credit profile is sold off to the highest bidder? Hiring a firm to check one time will not do, today's threats are more prevalent than ever, let us do the dirty work for you daily. 365 days per year, we scour the deep and dark places of the web to find if your I.D. is floating around for sale in cyberspace.

Extra Peace of Mind

$12,500 / & Up

Dark Web Scanning
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